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OKM Gepard GPR 3D

Products / OKM Ground Metal Detectors


Flexible & powerful: Ground Penetrating Radar using an omnidirectional unshielded transmission system to reach maximum depths up to 40 meters
Depth: Customers found objects up to 40 meters deep
Use cases: archaeology, geotechnical engineering, treasure hunting
Operating modes: Ground Scan, Live Stream
Detectable objects: underground objects like pipelines, cavities, cables, conduits, tunnels, bunkers and foundations
Made in Taiwan 

The Gepard GPR is a very flexible and powerful Ground Penetrating Radar for the detection of underground objects like pipelines, cavities, cables, conduits, tunnels, bunkers and foundations.

The Gepard ground penetrating radar uses an omnidirectional unshielded transmission system to reach maximum depths up to 40 meters (131 ft). The agile and compact unit can easily be operated by a single user via Android Tablet PC.

Detectable objects and structures
-underground walls, basements and concrete reinforcements
-hidden cavities, graves and sepulchers
-water level and underground rivers and aquifers
-buried pipelines, conduits and cable harnesses
-backfilled wells, galleries, trenches and dugouts
-septic tanks, distribution boxes and drainage pipes
-secret tunnels, bunkers and shelters
-buried treasure chests, statues and caches
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Optimization of ground surveys
The Gepard ground penetrating radar is using a multiple transmission frequency range starting at 60 MHz up to 300 MHz which is realized by adjustable telescopic antennas. It furthermore supports many automatic adjustments to optimize your ground surveys on specific soil types, which makes the handling of the Gepard ground radar very easy. You just set your depth resolution and start surveying.

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Measurement Data Analysis with Android Software
The measured data of the ground penetrating radar is immediately transferred to the Android Tablet PC. The Android software receives the data via WiFi and displays it directly on screen.

The software offers the option of integrating a GPS signal or Google Maps, filtering automatically and entering notes for later recollection of specific scan details. Additionally, the automatic filtering option improves the results of your scan and assists in finding hidden objects and structures more easily. Due to the integrated GPS all scan positions can be stored along with the scan data.

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